Seasoned Gaming

Covering the videogame industry with daily content, unique opinions, and as always, no ads or filler.
3664 Posts

SG’s Most Anticipated Games of 2016

Uncharted 4: 2016 will bring many exciting things. For many Playstation fans, Uncharted 4 is solely at the top of that list. Uncharted is a series dear to many and the next installment in the popular franchise is anticipated to be the greatest adventure yet. Rumors abound of what the…

Microsoft Announces Huge Black Friday Sales

Major Nelson from Microsoft today announced some impressive numbers regarding the Xbox brand's performance on Black Friday.  The details: Xbox fans around the world spent a total of 325 million hours gaming on Xbox Live this past week. Hours spent playing games on Xbox One last week were up 196…

Seasoned Gaming is Coming!

SG will be seeking to provide an educated look at the video game industry including covering major events, studying publishers and developers, following the competitive scene, and simply offering discussion points and insights into often overlooked areas of the industry. We also aim to provide up to date news and…